『カシミヤ カシミヤ/カシミヤ スカーフ/ピュア ウール スカーフ ショール/リング ベルベット ショール-キャメル エレファント Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-17e346305fから05月02日 15時 00分に出品され05月02日 15時 00分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,857円に設定されています。現在105件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。宮城県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲Kashmir is close to the Himalayas. In order to combat the special cold climate, in addition to the surface wool, goats will grow a layer of soft short down between the skin and the long hair in the late autumn every year to enhance warmth. This layer of thin and short fleece is "Cashmere", which is not only light and soft, but also extremely warm. ▲I like the sound of the shuttle hitting the wooden bar when weaving. production ▲ Made of Kashmirs most representative traditional hand-woven jacquard, each piece is a meticulous work of art, the production process is time consuming, and unique A good choice for keeping your warm is accompanied by flower totems such as giraffes, camels, and elephants, giving There are to the of the day, which can be used in air-conditioned rooms, or abroad to keep warm Design, each color is unique, meticulous and solid traditional weaving ▲Travel the world with a hand-feeling shawl! At the same time, it is also a creative gift for autumn and winter . With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is also very convenient you to send Wool ▲Dimensions Width 100 cm Length 200 cm Due to the slightly different measurement method and position of each person, the size is measured horizontally by hand, and there will be a slight error with the actual size due to factors such as fabric elasticity, measurement starting point, etc. ±3cm is the acceptable range of international inspection standards. ▲Recommended cleaning method 1 - Put an appropriate amount of washing powder in a plastic basin, adjust it evenly with slightly warm water, put the scarf flat in the basin, and press firmly with both hands , Thirty times, let the washing powder solution go back and forth through the gaps between the fibers of the scarf, so that the fibers do not tangle with each other. 2 - Rinse with water in the same way until the scarf is clean. 3 - Rub the scarf to dry. When drying the scarf, lay it flat on a towel or drying rack, and let it dry naturally in the shade, because ultraviolet rays will make the wool yellow.
カシミア ブレンド チェック ストール Ω
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新色「色が変化する麴塵染」シルク100%ストール(りんどう色~浪花鼠色) Ω
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新色「色が変化する麴塵染」シルク100%ストール(りんどう色~浪花鼠色) Ω
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新色「色が変化する麴塵染」シルク100%ストール Ω
¥ 3510
大判 ストール 210x 65 両面配色 厚手 カシミヤ 100% river (リバー) Ω
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大判 超軽量(68g) 薄手 カシミヤ 100% tennyo (テンニョ) Ω
¥ 13200
超大判 230×100 カシミヤ 100% ストール curum (クルム) Ω
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ピンクとホワイトの可愛い三角ショール Ω
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草木染大判リネンストール(ゴバイシ染) Ω
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¥ 4664
ふわふわ軽い MIX起毛ロングフリンジマフラー軽量260g:ブラウン KMC-132 361413 Ω
¥ 4664
105 入札履歴