『クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフトバースデーギフトウッドカットプリントコットン長袖ジャケットインディアンコットンカ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-17e346305fから05月10日 00時 43分に出品され05月10日 00時 43分に終了予定です。即決価格は9,388円に設定されています。現在463件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。福井県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲Khadi fabric is known as Indias "Fabric of Freedom". In order to get rid of the Indian fabric market that was originally controlled by the United Kingdom, Gandhi called on Indians to take off their foreign-made clothes and wear khadi (traditional Indian hand-woven cloth). Support independent movement. People began to spin, weave, wear and make their own clothes, and gradually became independent! Khadi is therefore not just a fabric in India, it also represents the spirit of an independent movement. Khadi is characterized by hand-spun and hand-woven, comfortable texture, looks delicate and delicate, durable and long-lasting, in addition, Khadi fabric can be made of 500 yarns, such high-count yarns cannot be made by machines, soft and breathable It feels like silk! ▲Strictly selected pure cotton material from India, coupled with the woodcut printing method in the Indian desert area, the simple handmade feeling seems to be in a French atmosphere with flowers and plants ▲Using environmentally friendly inks that pollute the earth less, on caring for the earth French-style romantic tones, wear a fresh and The is with and design, suitable for home or going out. Freedom ▲Cotton touch, easy to wear with personality, good new experience, wear it to travel the world! ▲Brand new Indian cotton and woodcut printed tops and coin purses, also bring them home together! ▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is convenient for you to send gifts. ▲Material - 100 % Indian cotton ▲Size - one The measurement will be slightly different from the actual product size due to factors such as fabric elasticity and measurement starting point. The error size is ±2cm, which is the acceptable range of international inspection standards.
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¥ 13572
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¥ 10920
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¥ 9620
久留米絣 ショート道行 Ω
¥ 11050
フード付きリネンコート グレージュ Ω
¥ 9620
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¥ 11000
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¥ 9750
【ユニセックス 】撥水防風素材のマウンテンパーカ【4色展開】 Ω
¥ 6864
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¥ 9750
【ユニセックス 】撥水防風素材のマウンテンパーカ【キャメル】 Ω
¥ 6864
463 入札履歴