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Author / Lu Dingbang provide enterprise innovation management training courses a book that teaches you to create your ideas ----------- Think about science and technology issues in human logic Instructing business innovation as a customer Leading industry development in the desired mode Creating the future with good wisdom ----------- Business leaders need to know how to plan future vision and strategic objectives, and managers need Master innovation and industry trends. business model is the core of industrial management and innovation and development, value proposition is the key to start business model innovation. This book guides readers to think about the creative approach of technological development and industry vision with humanistic logic. It is a set of proactive tools to guide value innovation. is a series of design concepts that use a mirror theory to innovate product service systems and business model design patterns , So that learners themselves as Jabers like creative genius. If "technology comes from human nature", then it needs to think about the meaning of science and technology in human logic. In the past, science and technology to drive the operation of the industry, design is defined as a "problem-solving" approach; in the future, benevolence awareness of life-led development, creativity is interpreted as a "desire to create" wisdom. This book will be based on the "Heart", the system into the "benevolence, beauty, good work" and other elements, so that "material" is to create, with good wisdom, the establishment of good culture. -------- About the Author: Lu Dingbang Ding-Bang LUH | Current | (2014.9.28) Professor Successful University of Industrial Design Creative Industry Design Institute Editor-in-Chief Culture Creative Industry International Journal Vice President Design Institute Association of Industrial Designers Council Service Science Society Supervise Sensibility Society Members Hakka Academic Development Committee | Experience | Successful University Head of Industrial Design Creative Industries Director of Design Institute, Director Director of Creative Design Teaching Resource Center Director of the three-way center Central Standard Bureau concurrently Patent Review Committee Craft Museum Display Group Assistant Professor General Technology Co., Ltd. Assistant Program Design
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