『スカーフNO.259*Xifang*デザイナー手作り日本アンティークコントラストカラーグリーンシルククラシカルパターン織りスカー Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から05月15日 04時 16分に出品され05月15日 04時 16分に終了予定です。即決価格は12,592円に設定されています。現在603件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。神奈川県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
No.258 * Saifang. Saiho* ★Size: about 190cm in length, about 34cm in width ★Material: Japanese antique silk fabric, aventurine + agate beads ★Applicable seasons: spring, summer, autumn ★Features: is unique and handmade The production process of sewn works is time-consuming, but the pattern of the fabric itself can be considered, only a few warp or weft threads are fixed to fix the fabric, and the stitches are hidden, so that the fixed fabric is not deformed, does not affect the overall integrity of the work, and both sides are perfect. Present, avoiding the seams that would appear in machine sewing. The design that can be used on both sides has no dead ends, and can show a beautiful appearance as you wish. (Generally, the scarf will have a very light color on the back of the printing, or the sewing edge is not exquisite, and only one side looks good. Juls scarves can be the protagonist on each side, without this problem) Each piece is sewn by the designer himself Polished and stained distressed brand small bronze medal and exclusive storage bag. ★Note: Pins are not included in the work ★The origin of the design The moss is deep but the Zen is not deep ─ ─ Saifang Temple ★Design concept It took several years for these two antique fabrics from Japan to meet. Because of this kind of waiting, I also experienced the beauty of fate. The two pieces of cloth have delicate textures, one is an elegant light green, which records the natural beauty of the four seasons; Immediately comes to the mind of Saiho-ji Temple, which is full of coolness and tranquility. The green, which seems to have been quietly living in the environment since ancient times, makes the irritable body and mind instantly feel at ease. Therefore, this time, the simple design is adopted, so that the two beautiful fabrics can play their own characteristics and blend quietly. The end continues the color and pattern of the fabric, and the natural ore beads polished with aventurine jade and agate agate continue the cool feeling. サイズ 長(L): 190 cm寬(W): 34cm純手工製品可能會有些微的誤差(盡量控制在0.5cm)
クリスマスギフト母の日ギフトバレンタインデーギフト交換ギフト卒業式ギフトインド木版画プリントピュアコットンスカーフ/手作り木版画 Ω
¥ 7061
クリスマスギフト母の日ギフトバレンタインデーギフト交換ギフト卒業ギフトインド木版画プリントピュアコットンスクエアスカーフ/手作り Ω
¥ 6948
スカーフNO.258*出雲の国*デザイナー純手作りクラシカルカラーモアレ原石扇子スターライトブラックスカーフショール Ω
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草木染め シルク格子楊柳マフラー 桜染め 【淡ピンク】 Ω
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スカーフNO.211 ※スタジオです。工房* デザイナー手作り 和風 和風 コットン ブラウン ダークブルー プリント スクエア Ω
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絹のマフラー(強撚糸・白) Ω
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絹のマフラー(強撚糸・白・格子) Ω
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603 入札履歴